How to make milk without a cow?
From the animal to humans, milk is the first nutritious liquid food for everyone. It is because of its accessibility, as there have been multiple sources to avail the milk for thousands of years. The Primary sources are the animals and humans whoever has the mammary gland. And the secondary sources include the plants, almonds, casein, and whey protein.

Although the milk produced in dairy is the first choice of the regular consumers, plant based milk is considered the best milk for protein between the vegans because of its qualities. For example, By producing the same protein (casein and whey), we can make cheese, yogurt, milk, and dairy taste the same as from the cow-milk, but without cows.
Now you must be thinking, Can we make vegan protein milk? Yes, we can do it by harvesting the casein and whey proteins through cellular agriculture, and then we can use them as a base to make all the milk food products.
How to make milk without a cow?
1. Cow DNA is inserted into the yeast using a genetic modification process so that it uses the “blueprint” in the DNA to produce the same proteins as if it were in a cow.
2. Genetically Modifying Yeast is “fed” sugar so that it can produce the milk proteins as if it were in a cow. If we combine yeast and sugar, the yeast is grown the same way it would be in a cow and will produce the same proteins.
3. The yeast then converts sugar to casein and whey because it is under an environment that artificially stimulates Genetically Modified yeast to behave the same way in a cow.
4. Since the yeast has Cow DNA, it has the dominant method of creating milk proteins, it produces the proteins which are then used as a base to create other dairy products.
In the final process, the proteins are separated from the yeast and used to produce other dairy products.
However, these proteins (casein and whey) and the proteins made from the dairy products have different methods for production and the result of the same could be seen easily in the taste of both proteins.
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